01 January 2010

My New Years Letter

Greetings Readers/Friends.

Let me start by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR and GO BUCKEYES BEAT DUCKS !!

To my fellow alumni and fans of THE Ohio State University I say O-H !!

Alright now that I got that out of my system, want to share the gist of a letter I sent out to friends and family yesterday in various forms each tailored to personalize it to whomever it was sent. Definitely removed some things that would serve more harm than good if shared on a public forum so don't worry Mom and Dad !


Just wanted to take a break from what I'm doing to drop you a line to wish you all HAPPY NEW YEAR !! I know 2009 was a rough time for many of you and it wasn't easy on me either.

Among the plethora of self help books I've been reading dealing with ADD and depression, one thing rings consistent. They always have a section about dealing with your "Bag of Hurts". Which essentially is referring to the events and situations of your life that have scarred and injured you spiritually and emotionally.

While our personal situations are uniquely different, I think its applicable for us all to consider reflecting on them. NOT for the sake of dwelling in the past or making excuses for why we are who we are. But rather, do so for the sake of binding-up those wounds and enabling us to move forward with an improved quality of life and a fresh start.

Consider asking for help from your "Higher Power" or whomever you call God for help and guidance. Its a big task and you'll need help from that entity to get there.

I'm going to enclose a link to a music video for a song that has always meant a lot to me. Lots of people like to make fun of it and the artist, but for me its always been very deep and emotional as I interpret it to be about new beginnings. Can't tell you how many times I've heard this song as I blasted down route 6 or us 127 heading for a new adventure. The call to active duty, freshman year of college, on my way to college graduation ceremony, move back to Columbus, the list goes on.

Lastly, here's my New Years wish to all of you.

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”

Until next time,
RedHeaded Rambler signing off

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Please just keep it clean sometimes my Mother reads this. Thank-you !!