01 January 2010

End of Year ADD Moments

End of Year ADD Moments

I want to start off the year by laughing at someone. Specifically me. Had some ADD moments sneak in before the close of 2009 that had comical value.

When I rousted myself from bed around the crack of 3pm yesterday, it was my initial intention to head to the gym for a long walk. But before the meds could kick in, I became absorbed with a project I’m not at liberty to discuss here. Then I became side tracked exchanging emails with a very pleasant lady I met recently. Which started me on developing the New Years Letter I recently posted, then I had to take a break to surf through old music videos, then go back to my project, and before I knew it, it was 8:45pm the gym was about to close, I hadn’t eaten and needed to make a long overdue grocery run !!

While driving to the grocery I thought I’d call my Mom using my blue tooth ear piece. I became so absorbed in talking to her, that I forgot that my actual cell phone was resting in the center counsel of my vehicle. So when I parked and started heading to the entrance still in deep conversation, Mom mysteriously cut out when I got about 15 feet from the store !!

Latter on, went to start the laundry rotation. Opened the washer up and it was as if some satanic jack-in-the-box blasted me in the face. I mean I actually saw stars and WOW the smell !! For the first time in my 30 years on this earth I smelt mildew. Mildew from a damp load of laundry that my calculations estimate had been fermenting since before Christmas eve eight days prior !! Dam was I proud of myself !!

Lastly as many of you know, I’ve been shamelessly plugging this blog for three weeks. It occurred to me, that despite posting it repeatedly several times a day, I don’t have the web address memorized. I have to reference it in my favorites list and copy it from the address bar !! AAHH gotta laugh, it wouldn’t be funny if it wasn’t true.

Okay time for the next one

RedHeaded Rambler signing off

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the old mildewed laundry machine contents. I remember that happening to me. I would totally forget I'd done a load of laundry. I read once that an average load of laundry has an unnatural amount of certain bacteria and 'matter' in it. I suppose if you add water, shake it about and leave it to incubate, you might just get a multi-cellular organism.


Please just keep it clean sometimes my Mother reads this. Thank-you !!